information for service providers

Here’s how you can help:

  • become more familiar with speech and language milestones

  • help to educate parents about normal speech and language milestones

  • encourage parents to check their child’s speech and language development

  • reinforce the importance of early identification

It’s often hard for parents to know if their child has a speech and language problem. They should trust their instincts. Providers of service to children and young families have an important role in supporting parents.

The smallTALK centralized referral phone line allows anyone - parents, early childhood educators, doctors and other service providers to refer a child to a Speech Language Pathologist for assessment. If a parent is concerned about the way their child’s speech and language skills are developing they should be encouraged to call 519-272-8216 or 1-866-333-7716 and ask for smallTALK. With a parents consent, someone else can make a referral to smallTALK on their behalf.

The following is a list of web sites you may want to visit for more information. smallTALK cannot be held accountable for any use or misuse of any information found on these web sites.

Speech and Language Websites

Preschool Speech and Language Programs

There are 30 provincially funded preschool speech and language programs in Ontario. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services website has a complete listing of these programs and local access phone numbers at this link.

Child Health and Development Websites

Health Unit Websites

Literacy websites

Resources for Parents


smallTALK has various resources and services available for service providers in Huron and Perth counties. Print materials such as parent and service provider brochures, fact sheets, growth charts, posters and stickers are available at no cost. Educational sessions for parent groups as well as service providers can also be arranged. or more information or to obtain copies call 519-272-8216 or 1-866-333-7716 and ask for smallTALK.