Your child’s first words create a very special moment.
They also form the base for your child’s future success at school and in life. From birth, babies begin to communicate with us. Surrounded by words, most young children develop speech and language naturally. Some children, however, take longer to learn communication skills. Left untreated, these children may face life-long problems. Even young children - under two years old - can be helped with speech and language supports. Early intervention reduces the risk of social, educational and emotional challenges that often affect children with speech and language problems.
Learn how you can help your child’s speech and language grow.
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smallTALK 2024
Starting in the fall of 2024, our ministry changed our referral guidelines and smallTALK will no longer be serving children in Junior Kindergarten. In September 2024, children who were on our caseloads prior to entering JK in the fall of 2024 were eligible to stay on the caseload, with a transfer to school occurring as they enter Senior Kindergarten. Any new referrals after September 1, 2024, would be directed to the school board for assessment and support.
Children born in 2021 and referred during 2024-2025 will be seen until they enter Junior Kindergarten in 2025. Our cut-offs for service for the 2024-25 year are as follows:
Referrals made prior to February 28, 2025 will receive an assessment and a block of therapy before transferring to school if needed.
Referrals made between March 1st-31st, 2025 will receive an assessment and home programming
Referrals made after April 1, 2025 will be directed to the school for assessment and follow up.
Children being homeschooled or attending private or parochial schools, with no speech language services may be eligible for continued service through smallTALK. Please call to inquire.
Hear ON videos now readily available to parents. Learn more about infant hearing screening and hearing services.
Watch these excellent videos on healthy brain development!
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Service Locations (click on the map!)
Alexandra Marine & General Hospital
Clinton Public Hospital
Listowel Memorial Hospital
Seaforth Community Hospital
South Huron Hospital
Stratford General Hospital
St. Marys Memorial Hospital
Wingham and District Hospital